About Us

We are Meeko and Redge, husband and wife since May 2009, Mommy and Daddy since January 2010, best friends since the day we met, worst enemies since the day after that, soulmates since God knows when.

There are not so many things that we share in common as a couple. We're two different people. Our being different to each other though make us a couple that we are now.

If there is one thing though that we are both really passionate about, next to our beautiful daughter, Reina Lucia, it is making photographs.

Photography for us is about capturing the moments that truly matter, the details that are little and often unnoticed, the emotions that define a soul. It is not about the lens, it is knowing when to be where and where to be when to get that angle that can make you say "ah-ha". It goes beyond the subjects of the photograph. It is about the stories that we hear through our eyes. These are what we capture and tell in our photographs.

We look forward to meeting you and being part of a day or two of your lives. We look forward to making your photographs, even more, telling your stories.

Thank you for dropping by.

Meeko and Redge